Policy Note "Why and How Involve the Global Ukrainian Community for the Recovery of Ukraine"

Practices, tools and policy recommendations for diaspora engagement

Since 2014, Ukraine has been defending against the Russian invasion. Despite the ongoing war, the Ukrainian government, with international support, is implementing recovery projects to address immediate societal needs and lay foundations for future transformation, as outlined in the EU's Ukraine Facility and the Ukraine Plan. Immediate support to civilians and the economy is crucial for Ukraine's resilience, with security and reconstruction considered together. The Global Ukrainian Community (GUC), with 20-25 million people in over 60 countries, holds great potential for supporting recovery through advocacy, remittances, networks, and expertise but remains largely untapped.

This paper examines the GUC's potential based on expert consultations, focus groups, and practical examples, highlighting the need for systematic engagement to leverage resources, promote social cohesion, inspire return, act as a watchdog, and strengthen civil society, and provides recommendations for long-term cooperation.

Policy Note "Why and How Involve the Global Ukrainian Community for the Recovery of Ukraine"